The Mothers and Toddlers group is open to everyone and takes place during term time on Mondays from 10.00 am – 11.45 am.

For more details please contact Alison McFarland – 9070 5376


There is Sunday School for all primary school children during the 11.00 am service.  Children start off in church for the first 10 minutes or so and then will leave the service to head over to the hall for Sunday School.  Everyone is very welcome to attend, even if only visiting for a week. 


Anchor Boys is a section of the Boys’ Brigade for boys aged 4-8.  Anchor Boys participate in a wide range of activities – arts & crafts, music, games, Bible stories and sports.  New members are always very welcome on a Tuesday evening from 6.45 pm – 7.45 pm.


Messy Church is a way of being church for families which enables people to encounter Jesus in a relaxed space. Messy Church is church that is fun! It celebrates faith with creativity and hospitality! 
Messy Church happens in St. Finnian’s every two months. Keep an eye on the website and Facebook page!