One of the concerns for parishioners during the pandemic lockdown has been how to continue to make their Freewill Offerings when it was not possible to attend church.

Many have set up a Standing Order or Electronic Transfer. If you would like to do this, the parish bank details are:-

Sort Code: 95-01-34

Account number: 11089757

Account name: St Finnians Parish Church

Reference: The online screen will invite you to add a reference. Please input the six figure number at the bottom right of the label on your Freewill Offering envelope box (NOT the three figure number on your envelopes).

For example, the label will look like:
Mr. A Smith xxx
Church Street
(Please use this number as your reference).

Not everyone has the internet or can use online banking.
For anyone who cannot get to church and who would like someone to collect their Freewill Offering envelope, please ring me on 028 9029 9889, leave your name and number and I will contact you to arrange collection.

Robert Crawford
Hon. Treasurer
Tel: 028 9029 9889