Rector’s Blog

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Church Without Walls – 30th April

Good Losing When it comes to late April and the bank holiday weekend in May, there are a lot of eyes glued to events in the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield where the World Snooker Championship has been played for many years. There has been talk in recent years about moving away from this iconic venue, […]

Church Without Walls – 23rd April

World Earth Day Yesterday, 22nd April, was World Earth Day. I’m not sure I would have been aware of this fact unless I had listened to a wonderful daily Bible reading App called Lectio 365, which is available to download for free. I have recommended it before in the blog because I find it so […]

Church Without Walls – 16th April

Reviving Houses and People There’s a fantastic show on RTE television called the Great House Revival. It’s presented by an architect called, Hugh Wallace, who accompanies people on a journey of restoration of old properties. Often these properties have fallen into a state of disrepair and, for all intents and purposes, look like a ruin. […]

Church Without Walls – 9th April

Losing Your Voice So, Easter Sunday came, the pinnacle of the preacher’s year. ‘Christ is Risen!’ declares the famous Easter greeting. ‘The Lord is risen, indeed! Alleluia!’ comes the congregational response and then those glorious Easter hymns ring out proclaiming hope, the new life that Christ brings, the transformation that is possible through his risen […]

Church Without Walls – 26th March

Some Tools of the Trade I found myself in a conversation about tools recently at a church work party. The other people in the conversation were in a different league as they talked about power tools and drill bits and the best places to buy good tools. My tool kit is embarrassingly small, a few […]

Church Without Walls – 19th March

Partnership Some months ago, our church entered into a partnership with CMS Ireland, a mission agency to support a couple who are going to do important work in community building and trauma counselling in the diocese of Ibba, in South Sudan.  The couple are called Andrew and Joanne Quill, and they recently did an interview […]

Church Without Walls – 12th March

Some Thoughts About St. Patrick Next Sunday is St. Patrick’s Day, and I wonder what you associate with St. Patrick. For some it will be rugby and the Schools’ Cup final. For others, it will be about parades and partying. In certain parts of the world, it’s about green beer and shamrocks and leprechauns dancing […]

Church Without Walls – 5th March

Showing and Sharing Vulnerability One of my favourite TV shows is on RTE television and it’s a show called, ‘Operation Transformation.’ It usually starts in January and finishes its 8 week run at the beginning of March. It documents the life of 5 leaders who apply to be on the show. They usually want to […]

Church Without Walls – 27th February

Honouring People One of the beautiful ideas that lie at the heart of the Christian faith is that we were made in the image of God. If we believe it to be true, it should fundamentally impact how we seek to treat other people. If I am honest, and it’s not a nice thing to […]

Church Without Walls – 20th February

Some Lessons from a Service of Commissioning One of the goals of this blog is to demystify some of the things that happen at church services and events. The church where I work is located just off the outer ring in Belfast and is visible from the carriageway as people drive past every day. When […]