
110 of 115 items

Church Without Walls – 23rd July

Christian Camps and Festivals A friend of mine was in touch on social media recently. She was stepping down from the leadership of a Christian Festival that runs annually in Cornwall. It’s a free event and is open to families to camp onsite for the 5 day programme. It celebrates worship, the arts and creativity. […]

General Church Maintenance – 27th July

The church premises require regular maintenance to keep them in good order, so it is an advantage to have a regular schedule for works both for buildings and grounds. This gives people an opportunity to volunteer a few hours each month to assist in the upkeep of our estate.  Accordingly, the last Saturday of each month is […]

Bible Week 2024

Do plan to join us at the end of the summer for this year’s Bible Week with Bishop Stuart Bell. Stuart has entitled his teaching series, Tales of the Unexpected – A fresh look at four parables.  The parables are storiesfrom Jesus which “still cut into the soul, slice away our concealments and address the deepest needs […]

Church Without Walls – 16th July

Exercising the Faith Muscle When it comes to fatherhood I find that every day is a school day. I’m constantly learning about the bewildering world facing our teenage children. Whether it is the pressures of social media and apps like Snapchat, BeReal, or dear knows what the latest one is, or why pop stars like […]

Church Without Walls – 2nd July

Some Summer Reading? One of the joys of a summer break is the opportunity to do a bit of reading. I like to mix fiction and non-fiction and here are a few that regular readers of the blog might enjoy. We are blessed in this area to have a number of local libraries and, every […]

Church Without Walls – 25th June

Marking Significant Moments Many years ago, I spent a year living in a community called the Larche community. It was a community in which adults with learning disabilities invited others to come alongside them in a residential setting and to live a simple life together based on gospel values. It was one of the years […]

Rector’s Letter – July/August 2024

Dear Friends, It’s hard to believe that the summer months are upon us again. For some people, summer offers the opportunity to take a step back from the regular routines which keep them constantly busy and have some time away or a holiday. If you do have the opportunity to do so, I always encourage […]

Church Without Walls – 18th June

Anniversaries and Birthdays I recently had a week of annual leave and, while I didn’t travel very far, it gave me the opportunity to mark a few special anniversaries and birthdays. On 9th June 1996, I was ordained deacon in Dromore Cathedral. My year had hoped to mark our 25th anniversary of ordination by getting […]