The Church of Ireland’s child protection policy, Safeguarding Trust, ‘the Code’, for short, has been in place since 1997 and was included in the Constitution of the Church of Ireland in 2006.
Church of Ireland child protection policy statement:
It is the
policy of the Church of Ireland to set standards for the welfare of all
children sharing in its ministry with a view to protecting them from physical,
sexual and emotional harm.
Adherence to the Code by parishes means that children using Church of Ireland
premises for worship and other activities such as Sunday schools, youth
organisations and clubs have their general safety and welfare promoted while
being protected from all kinds of abuse.
Find out more at:
St. Finnian’s Safeguarding Trust Panel
The Rector – Rev. Canon Jonathan Pierce – 90 793822
Mr Harry McManus- 97 562452
Mrs Esther Millar – 90 504132
The Rector, Select Vestry and Parish leaders are committed to uphold good practice in the Parish’s ministry with children and young people. Should you have a concern or suspicion regarding child welfare in the Parish, please contact a member of the Parish Panel.