Rector’s Letter

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Rector’s Letter – October 2023

Dear Friends, As these notes go to print we are seeing the first signs of autumn. After a spell of very warm weather as everyone went back to school, the temperatures have dropped this week and you hear the crunch of fallen leaves as you walk. It’s lovely to see those golden autumnal colours and […]

Rector’s Letter – September 2023

Dear Friends, It’s hard to believe that the summer is almost behind us and we will soon be reopening many of our organisations and activities after the summer break.We anticipate the work in the church will be underway as you read this month’s magazine. Some people have asked me about the background to this project. […]

Rector’s Letter – July/August 2023

Dear Friends, I have sometimes spoken in church and on the Rector’s blog about an app on my phone called Lectio 365. It’s a devotional resource that has someone read some scripture to you every day and reflect on its significance and pray through it with you. It takes about 10 minutes and I do […]

Rector’s Letter – June 2023

Dear Friends, One of the things that has been on my mind recently is how helpful it is to be able to frame important events in the context of a church service. Last week I was invited to speak at a special leavers’ service at a local secondary school. On the occasion of the King’s […]

Rector’s Letter – May 2023

Dear Friends, May is always one of my favourite months. You get the sense that Spring has sprung with the brighter evenings, the drone of lawnmowers going and the general vibe of people being out and about doing things. Of course for another section of our population, it signals the season of exams and they […]

Rector’s Letter – April 2023

Dear Friends, I wonder if you can recall significant encounters or conversations that changed the course of your life? Maybe it was a doctor sharing news abouta diagnosis for yourself or for a family member? Maybe it was a parent or teacher sharing thoughts with you about a possible career path you had never considered […]

Rector’s Letter – March 2023

Dear Friends, As this magazine goes to print we will have entered the season of Lent. It’s a season in which we recall the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ as He gave his life for us. It’s a season in which we are invited in the service from our prayer book to observe these […]

Rector’s Letter – February 2023

Dear Friends, As we enter a new month, one of the features of the month of February is the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is a season in which Christians try to draw nearer to God sometimes by engaging in different practices. Often people use this 40 day period as a time of […]

Rector’s Letter – January 2023

Dear Friends, As a new year dawns, it seems as if there are lots of challenges to face. We think of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the huge implications of that in terms of loss of life in both Ukraine and Russia. We think of the trauma experienced as people see homes and businesses […]

Rector’s Letter – December 2022

Dear Friends,I wonder how brave you are at taking on new challenges? I’m not so good at stepping out of my comfort zone and I notice as I get older it becomes more difficult. The pandemic perhaps heightened those feelings of anxiety when we had to navigate life in all sorts of new ways. For […]