Dear Friends,

I recently had a phone call from someone I hadn’t spoken to in many years. We had grown up together and went to primary school together. We had gone to the same Boys’ Brigade company and played in football teams together and it was good to catch up a little as we spoke. Even though it had been many years, there was a lot of shared history there, people we knew in common having grown up in the same parish.

It’s good to share those memories and in this month’s magazine you will find details of a few get-togethers over the summer months.

We are thrilled that the author Paul Clements is going to help us by facilitating a few sessions as we try to capture some of our shared memories as we think about the history of our parish. Some of our parishioners and their families have very long associations with the parish and we want to try to write down some of those memories of different occasions and organisations people were involved in over the years. Maybe you were in the choir or the Sunday School, maybe you have memories of some of our organisations. Maybe you had a significant spiritual experience
and came to faith through being involved in the church and it has been a place that nurtured and encouraged you over the years as you got involved.

We are excited to think about how we might write down some of these special memories which may become part of a book as we celebrate our history and give thanks to God for his faithfulness over the years.

We remember people who have had an impact upon us and who contributed in all sorts of ways to building up the life of this place over the

One of the special occasions in any parish’s life is when people take a step of faith publicly and decide to get confirmed. We look forward to our service of confirmation on Wednesday 26th June at 7.30pm. Bishop David will confirm 4 of our young people and one adult, including a couple of young people from neighbouring parishes in Orangefield and Dundela. Please remember Katherine, Grace, Lewis, Harry, Conor and the 2 Patricks in your prayers as we celebrate with them on this special evening. We hope as many as possible will come to support them.

We also look forward to celebrating the past year in our Sunday School’s life at the prize-giving on Sunday 23rd at 11am. I have frequently said how vital the work of our Sunday School is in passing on the faith to our younger
generation. We are so grateful to our faithful team of teachers who are so committed to this work which happens throughout the year. We are always keen to recruit new teachers and helpers and if this is an area of ministry that interests you, please have a word with either the Rector or the Curate as we seek to increase our pool of volunteers.

On Tuesday 4th June we hope to hold some training in Safeguarding Trust for our Sunday School teachers and helpers, for all who assist at Messy Church or Toddlers or any of our organisations that work with young people. We have to comply with the requirement to constantly update our training in this important area and our experienced panel will deliver this training. We hope all involved will be able to come to receive this important

We look forward to another special Messy Church afternoon on Friday 7th June which is targeted at children from 3-11 years of age. Messy Church runs from 3.30pm-5pm and includes crafts, singing, food and some worship.

We send special greetings in our magazine this month to parishioners who have not been so well. We know many people have experienced challenges in recent weeks and months and that the magazine and online services have been important resources for people to stay connected. Please be
assured you are not forgotten and are often prayed for at our Wednesday communion service and parish prayers over Zoom on Thursday evenings.

We also take this opportunity to wish all our younger parishioners well who are sitting important exams in schools and universities. It can be a stressful time for those involved – students, parents and teachers and you are much
in our thoughts as this magazine goes to print.

With very best wishes.

Jonathan Pierce (Rector)

Telephone 02890 793822