Sermons by Gillian Stevenson

110 of 21 items

29th March – Good Friday

WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  Welcome to our service on this Good Friday. Tonight we have the Service of “Tenebrae”  “Tenebrae” is the Latin word meaning “darkness.” In a candle-lit sanctuary Christ’s suffering is commemorated through Scripture. Candles are extinguished one by one as the congregation listens to the account of Christ’s suffering and death.

3rd December – Advent Carol Service


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our service of music and readings for Advent Sunday, marking the beginning of the new Christian Year. In our short reflection we focus on the Advent message of hope.

21st May – Sunday after Ascension Day


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our service of Morning Prayer as our special week of Mission & Community Outreach draws to a close. Today, our Diocesan Lay Reader, Gillian Stevenson, asks the question, “Is God Calling You?”

7th April – Good Friday

WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  Welcome to our service on this Good Friday. Tonight we have the Service of “Tenebrae”  “Tenebrae” is the Latin word meaning “darkness.” In a candle-lit sanctuary Christ’s suffering is commemorated through Scripture. Candles are extinguished one by one as the congregation listens to the account of Christ’s suffering and death.

18th December – 4th Sunday of Advent


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our service of Holy Communion for the fourth Sunday of Advent. Today, as we light the fourth candle on our Advent wreath, we remember how Jesus, the Son of God, was born of a human mother; that he was truly both God and man. The angel […]

27th November – Advent Carol Service


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our service of music and readings for Advent Sunday, marking the beginning of the new Christian Year. In our short reflection we focus on the Advent theme of ‘Waiting’.

28th August – Trinity 11


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  Wherever you are, we welcome you to our service of Morning Prayer on the 11th Sunday after Trinity. Today, we’ll be thinking  about how we can experience joy and thankfulness even when circumstances are difficult. Audio service phone line: 028 9344 7225

14th August – Trinity 9


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  Wherever you are, we warmly welcome you to our service of Morning Prayer for the 9th Sunday after Trinity. Today, we’ll be reflecting on how living the Christian life puts us in tension with the world. Audio service phone line: 028 9344 7225

17th July – Trinity 5


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our service of Holy Communion on the 5th Sunday after Trinity. Today, we’re thinking about the importance of getting the balance right between our doing and our listening. Audio service phone line: 028 9344 7225