Online Services

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5th May – Easter 6

WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our Connect service on the 6th Sunday of Easter, also known as Rogation Sunday. Today, we continue to reflect on our theme, ‘The Kingdom of God and the fact that the currency in the Kingdom is LOVE.

28th April – Easter 5


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our service of Morning Prayer on the 5th Sunday of Easter. Today, we’ll be thinking about ‘Jesus, the true vine,’ focusing on John 15:1-8.

21st April – Easter 4


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  Welcome to our service on this 4th Sunday of Easter – Good Shepherd Sunday. Today, we’ll be reflecting on four characteristics of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

14th April – Easter 3


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  VIDEO CONTINUED Wherever you are, we warmly welcome you to our service of Holy Communion on this 3rd Sunday of Easter. Today, we’ll be focusing on the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples in the upper room after his resurrection and saying, “Peace be with you.” Luke 24:36b-49  

7th April – Easter 2


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our Connect service on this second Sunday of Easter. We’re continuing to think of our theme, ‘The Kingdom of God’.

31st March – Easter Sunday


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  We warmly welcome you to our service of Holy Communion on this day of celebration – the Day of Resurrection. Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!

29th March – Good Friday

WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  Welcome to our service on this Good Friday. Tonight we have the Service of “Tenebrae”  “Tenebrae” is the Latin word meaning “darkness.” In a candle-lit sanctuary Christ’s suffering is commemorated through Scripture. Candles are extinguished one by one as the congregation listens to the account of Christ’s suffering and death.

28th March – Maundy Thursday


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  Welcome to our service of Holy Communion on this Thursday in Holy Week, and a special welcome to our guest speaker, Rebecca Ally, who is involved in Divine Healing Ministries. Tonight, Rebecca shares with us her journey of faith.

27th March – Wednesday in Holy Week


WATCH VIDEO OF SERVICE  Welcome to our service on this Wednesday in Holy Week. A special welcome to our guest speaker, Revd. Andy Moore, curate assistant in the parish of Ballymena, who shares with us his journey of faith.